Who are Stockbrokers?

A financial professional who executes orders on behalf of customers in the market is a stockbroker. Investment advisor or registered representative (RR) are alternative designations for a stockbroker. The majority of stockbrokers are employed by brokerage firms and are responsible for executing trades on behalf of numerous institutional and individual clients. While compensation methods may differ among employers, stockbrokers are frequently remunerated on a commission basis. In certain situations, broker-dealer companies and brokerage firms are also commonly known as stockbrokers. Discount and full-service brokers, which execute transactions but do not provide personalised investment advice, are included.

Indian Stock Market : Meaning, Working, Types and How to Trade

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Who are Stockbrokers?

A financial professional who executes orders on behalf of customers in the market is a stockbroker. Investment advisor or registered representative (RR) are alternative designations for a stockbroker. The majority of stockbrokers are employed by brokerage firms and are responsible for executing trades on behalf of numerous institutional and individual clients. While compensation methods may differ among employers, stockbrokers are frequently remunerated on a commission basis. In certain situations, broker-dealer companies and brokerage firms are also commonly known as stockbrokers. Discount and full-service brokers, which execute transactions but do not provide personalised investment advice, are included....

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How can you Trade in the Stock Market?

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How does the Actual Trading Occur?

Credit for stocks purchased today is issued by the close of business on the same day. Additionally, the stock exchange guarantees that all stock transactions are honored during the settlement. The absence of the settlement cycle within T+2 days compromises the integrity of the stock market, as it implies that transactions may not be validated. The clientele of stockbrokers is distinguished by a distinct code that is allocated to each investor. The stockbroker issues a contract note to the investor following the completion of the transaction, which includes pertinent information such as the date and time of the stock trade. In addition to the initial investment capital, investors are obligated to return brokerage fees, securities transaction tax, and stamp duty. When these costs are deducted from the sale proceeds in the case of a sale transaction, the investor is paid the remaining balance. The communication chain at the broker and stock exchange levels includes various entities and stakeholders, including exchange floor traders and the brokerage order department....

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Indian Stock Market?...