Who are the officers of the state legislature?

Speaker and Deputy Speaker

In the Legislative Assembly, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker serve as head or in charge. The Indian Constitution, under Article 178, addresses the issue. The Speaker and Deputy Speaker should be chosen from the Legislative Assembly. It is also stated that if the positions of Speaker and Deputy Speaker are vacant, it is the responsibility of the Legislative Assembly to appoint a new Speaker and Deputy Speaker, respectively.

Chairman and Deputy Chairman

The council chooses from its members Chairman and Deputy Chairman. Both vacate their offices if they cease to be members of the Council or resign from the membership. The Chairman tends to preside over all sittings of the Council and in his absence, Deputy Council presides.

The State Legislature

The State Legislature is a legislative body that makes laws at the state level. A legislative assembly exists in each state of the country. The State Legislature is mentioned in Chapter III of Part VI of the Constitution. It is made up of the state legislature and the executive. Part VI of the Constitution deals with the state legislature’s organisation, composition, length, offices, processes, privileges, powers, etc.

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Who are the officers of the state legislature?

Speaker and Deputy Speaker...

Powers of the state legislature

Legislative Powers: The State Legislature has the authority to enact legislation concerning the State List and the Concurrent List. It has the authority to enact any bill on any subject on the State List, which becomes an Act once signed by the Governor. The Legislative Assembly is in charge of creating laws. The Legislative Assembly introduces most non-money regular measures and plays a vital role in their passage. Financial Powers: The State Legislature has the authority to collect taxes on all of the State List’s topics. It is the guardian of the state’s money. The state government cannot collect money or levy or collect taxes without the agreement of the State Legislature. The state budget and all other financial policies and programs are only operative if the State Legislature has approved them. In emergencies declared under Articles 352, 356 or 360, however, the state’s financial authorities become subject to the Union.  Control over the Executive: The State Legislative Assembly has control over the State Council of Ministers. The State Legislative Council has been given a little function. In the State Legislative Assembly, the state Chief Minister is the majority leader. Before the Legislative Assembly, the State Council of Ministers is jointly accountable. The latter can bring the ministry down by passing a vote of no confidence or rejecting a measure, policy, or budget proposed by the Council of Ministers.  Other Powers: Other functions are exercised by the State Legislature, notably the Legislative Assembly. Members of the Legislative Assembly choose the President of India (MLAs), elected by the people. They also elect state representatives to the Rajya Sabha. The Union Parliament can only enact specific constitutional revisions if at least half of the state legislatures agree....

Functions of the State Legislature

The laws of each state legislature govern the subjects of the State List and the Concurrent List. If a state has a unicameral legislature, if it just has a State Legislative Assembly, that legislature exercises all functions. Even if the state legislature is bicameral, with the state Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad) as the upper house and the state Legislative Assembly as the lower body, the latter exercises practically all functions. The Legislative Council has a minor and secondary duty....

Limitations on the powers of the State Legislature

The President of India’s previous approval for introducing specific bills: Certain bills can only be tabled in a state legislature with the President of India’s prior permission. Bills reserved by the Governor for President’s Assent: The Governor can reserve specific bills for the President’s Assent after the state legislature has enacted them. They become law only once the President has granted such bills. Limitations that the Rajya Sabha can impose: If the Rajya Sabha approves a resolution (supported by a 2/3rd majority of the members present and voting) declaring a state topic named in the resolution as a matter of national interest, the Union Parliament can make laws on the State List for a year. Restrictions in the event of a national emergency: When a national emergency (Article 352) is declared, the Parliament has the authority to adopt legislation on any topic on the State List. The statute is in effect for the duration of the emergency and six months after it has ended. Governor’s Discretionary Powers: The Governor of a state’s discretionary powers also serve as a constraint on the State Legislature. He is beyond the reach of the State Legislature whenever he acts at his discretion. The governor can dissolve the State Legislative Assembly at his discretion....

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Frequently asked questions in SSC exams

Q 1. What is the maximum number of members that a state’s legislative assembly can have?...