Why do Employees Abscond from Work?

1. Better Job Opportunities: It happens when employees get better job prospects, which may offer better compensation or work-life balance and they might want to join immediately. That is why some employees leave their jobs without serving the notice period or exit formalities, they decide to abscond from work without telling anyone. They might feel a lack of career growth in the company, so they start to look for better opportunities.

2. Not Interested in the Existing Job Role: Some employees might feel bored in the job. They have lost interest and motivation in the work so they have thought to stop working. They might think that their skills and talent are not properly utilised in the work. So, they look for places or opportunities where their skills are appreciated, and valued and that suit their interests and aspirations.

3. Not Being Able to Cope with Work Pressure and Stress: The workload in the organisation may be too much for some employees. They might feel stressed or could not balance a work-life balance due to the workload. This can be a possible reason for employees to abscond from work.

4. Personal Issues: Some employees might have serious personal issues (like family emergencies, or mental health issues like anxiety, stress, or depression) and they might have felt the manager will not give them leave for those reasons, which is why they decide to abscond from work.

5. Communication Issues: Sometimes employees want to leave the job, but are not able to discuss it with the manager due to a lack of communication skills. There may be a lack of communication, and trust between employees that can lead to absconding. Also, there could be inflexible policies for leave or inadequate support for personal emergencies that can lead employees to take these measures when they face unexpected challenges.

Absconding from Work : Meaning, Reason, Measures, and Actions

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Measures to Stop Employees from Absconding

1. Clear Policies: Maintain clear and well-defined policies regarding absenteeism and absconding. You can include notice period clauses in employment contracts to discourage sudden departures without notice. This will avoid legal complications. Communicate the policies to all employees, so everyone will know the proper ways of taking leave. Make sure that employees understand the consequences of unnecessary absences and encourage them to take leave through the proper method....

Disciplinary Actions Against Absconded Employees

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the signs that an employee might consider absconding?...