Why do we Need to Conserve Forest and Wildlife

We need to conserve forests and wildlife as:

  • Forests prevent soil erosion by tightly holding onto the upper layer of soil with their root.
  • Every organism in the food chain is important for the proper functioning of the ecosystem
  • Forests provides with resources including raw materials, textiles, medicines etc
  • Forests play a crucial role in rainfall.

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

Conservation of Forests and Wildlife is important as humans have vastly altered the Earth’s flora and fauna. Wildlife contributes significantly to the stability of our environment by being directly or indirectly involved in natural processes. Each living organism is equally important in the food chain and all are interconnected and rely on one another for survival.

Forests provide resources, regulate global temperatures, prevent soil erosion, and shelter more than 80% of animal species and terrestrial biodiversity. This is why the conservation of forests is vital. In this article, we will study the conservation of forests and wildlife and the need to conserve them.

Table of Content

  • Forest Conservation 
  • Wildlife Conservation 
  • Why do we Need to Conserve Forest and Wildlife
  • Why is Wildlife Important for Us?
  • Why is Forest Important for Us?
  • Conclusion – Conservation of Forest and Wildlife
  • FAQs – Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

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Wildlife Conservation

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Why do we Need to Conserve Forest and Wildlife

We need to conserve forests and wildlife as:...

Why is Wildlife Important for Us?

Although plants are the primary source of medications, some animals are also required in the manufacturing process. For example, cobra venom is an important ingredient in leprosy medications, and lobsters can be used as antifungals. Wildlife microorganisms participate in nitrogen fixation, resulting in an increase in soil fertility. Conservation of wildlife entails the preservation of heritage and traditional culture. Some areas are known for their flora and fauna in relation to native practises and ways of life, which means that if the environment is not conserved, they will lose their land and native heritage. Conserving fauna and flora promotes global ecological stability and balance. Plants, for example, help to maintain a healthy ecosystem by balancing carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the environment. Future generations will not be able to see some of the wild animals that exist today unless conservation measures are implemented. Many wild animals are becoming extinct as a result of human activity, including the Amur leopard, Cross River gorilla, Black and Javan rhinoceros, Hawksbill turtle, South China tiger, pangolin, and Sumatran elephant....

Why is Forest Important for Us?

Millions of people are employed by forest products such as medicinal plants, fabrics, and raw materials. Without the woods, all of these people will lose their jobs and be unable to earn a living. A diverse range of animals find refuge in forests. If the trees are destroyed, these animals will perish because they will be deprived of their natural habitat. Many endangered plant and animal species become extinct as a result of this destruction. The primary reason for preserving forests and wildlife is to ensure that we have enough oxygen to breathe. Without trees, oxygen cannot be produced, and carbon dioxide may accumulate in the environment. Forests can absorb the majority of the water during a flood, preventing soil erosion and saving us from natural disasters. Converting forest zones into tourist destinations and viewing wildlife firsthand can generate significant economic benefits. Forests contribute to the carbon cycle by absorbing CO2 from animals....

Conclusion – Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife is crucial for our planet’s health and biodiversity. By conserving forests, enforcing laws against poaching, and promoting sustainable practices, we can protect the diverse ecosystems that support countless species. Conservation strategies like reforestation, and wildlife protection measures, can safeguard our precious ecosystem for future generations. By the conservation of forest and wildlife, we ensure a healthy environment for all living beings, including plants, animal, and humans....

FAQs – Conservation of Forest and Wildlife

How can we Conserve Wildlife?...