Why do We Need to Study Boundaries?

These boundaries are significant in making and breaking relations among the neighboring countries’ national and international peace. These boundaries impact every aspect of the people living in these countries, for example, trade, culture, and society. There are many places in the world where these boundaries are present but do not impact the free movement of people across them; for example, countries of the European Union, the India-Nepal border, and the India-Bhutan border. At the same time, many borders are heavily guarded, under constant surveillance, and require a lot of permission to cross. These boundaries thus become deciding factors for any country and its peaceful existence among its neighbors.

Important Boundaries Lines in the World: Borders List

Important Boundaries Lines in the World: Boundaries worldwide separate one nation from another, defining any nation’s sovereignty within its geographical, legal, and political borders. In ancient and medieval times, the borders and jurisdiction of any region, district, state, or country were not fixed and were called frontiers. These frontiers kept changing, with every ruler conquering new territories through wars and battles, but in modern times, these borders are fixed through various treaties and legal and political negotiations.

In this article, we will talk about why we need to study boundaries and the complete list of some important boundaries around the world.

Important Boundaries Lines in the World

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List of Important Boundaries in the World


Why do We Need to Study Boundaries?

These boundaries are significant in making and breaking relations among the neighboring countries’ national and international peace. These boundaries impact every aspect of the people living in these countries, for example, trade, culture, and society. There are many places in the world where these boundaries are present but do not impact the free movement of people across them; for example, countries of the European Union, the India-Nepal border, and the India-Bhutan border. At the same time, many borders are heavily guarded, under constant surveillance, and require a lot of permission to cross. These boundaries thus become deciding factors for any country and its peaceful existence among its neighbors....


In conclusion, international boundaries were not permanently fixed in the past but were fixed over time to avoid future battles and wars. However, boundaries are still issues of conflict between many countries and are thus constantly under heavy patrol. In the above article, we have provided a complete list of some of the most important international boundaries across the world....

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