Why Do We Need WebView2?

Microsoft WebView2 empowers developers to create modern, engaging Windows applications. Here’s why it’s a valuable tool:

  • Enhanced User Experiences: Seamlessly blend the best of web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) with the power of native Windows features. Craft dynamic and interactive interfaces for exceptional user satisfaction.
  • Accelerated Development: Leverage existing web code, libraries, and frameworks within your native applications. Reduce time-to-market without sacrificing functionality.
  • Modernize Legacy Apps: Breathe new life into older applications by integrating the latest web technologies through WebView2. Stay competitive without complete rewrites.
  • Cross-Platform Reach: Target a wider audience by building applications that work consistently across various Windows versions thanks to WebView2’s compatibility.

What is WebView2 in Microsoft Edge Browser?

WebView2, created by Microsoft, is a web browser tool that uses the Chromium engine from Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. It lets developers easily add web content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to their apps, perfect for making hybrid apps that mix web tech with native features.

Table of Content

  • What is WebView2?
  • Why Do We Need WebView2?
  • Benefits of WebView2
  • When to Use?
  • Steps to Use WebView2
  • Simple WPF Application with WebView2
  • Conclusion

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What is WebView2?

Microsoft WebView2 empowers developers to seamlessly embed web content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) directly within their native Windows applications. This integration unlocks a world of possibilities, allowing you to leverage the power and flexibility of modern web technologies while still benefiting from the familiar features and performance of native apps....

Why Do We Need WebView2?

Microsoft WebView2 empowers developers to create modern, engaging Windows applications. Here’s why it’s a valuable tool:...

Benefits of WebView2

Accelerated progress: Utilize the extensive array of web technologies (libraries, frameworks, and tools) to speed up development timelines and minimize coding workload.Flexibility: Merge web components with native apps, empowering the development of interactive and advanced applications.Enhanced user satisfaction: Blend the top features of web and native app experiences, providing users with a recognizable and visually pleasing interface.Budget-friendly solutions: Cut down on development and upkeep expenses by making use of established web technologies and expertise....

When to Use?

Hybrid applications: Develop apps that combine the advantages of web and native features, providing improved flexibility and user satisfaction.Modern UI: When developing modern user interfaces that require dynamic web content, WebView2 can be used to integrate such content seamlessly.Old Application Modernization: WebView2 has the power to revitalize outdated applications by seamlessly incorporating cutting-edge web technologies, all without the need to completely rewrite the entire application.Progressive web apps (PWAs): Host PWAs within your native app, enabling offline access and a more integrated user experience....

Steps to Use WebView2

Necessary Requirements before implementing...

Simple WPF Application with WebView2

1. Create a WPF App: Open Visual Studio and start a new WPF App (.NET Framework) project....


WebView2 is a great tool for adding web content to your Windows desktop apps. It uses the Microsoft Edge engine for a safe and familiar browsing experience. Integrate WebView2 into your projects by following the steps provided. Use language-specific resources like C# for WPF or WinForms for detailed guidance on navigation, event handling, and advanced features. WebView2 is user-friendly and powerful, making it a valuable asset for developers looking to enhance their desktop apps with web capabilities....