Why Does Equality Matter?

Why Does Equality Matter?- Class 11 Polity Notes

Equality stands as a foundational principle in both moral and political realms, transcending cultural and religious boundaries. Rooted in the belief that all human beings possess inherent worth, irrespective of differences in gender, race, or nationality, it forms the basis of concepts like universal human rights and crimes against humanity.

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In essence, the pursuit of equality lies at the heart of social and political theory. By critically examining its meaning and implications, we aim to navigate the complexities of inequality and chart a course towards a more just and inclusive society....

Why Does Equality Matter?- FAQs

What is the significance of equality in society?...

What is the significance of equality in society?

Equality serves as a moral and political imperative, advocating for fairness and respect for all individuals regardless of their background or status. It forms the basis of concepts like universal human rights and fosters social cohesion and justice....