Why Endianess Matters?

The knowledge of endianess helps us to makes our code more adaptable to different computers. If our program deals with saving and reading data in a binary format (like an encrypted code), knowledge of endianess can save us from problems when our code moves to a different system.

std::endian in C++ 20

In C++ programming, there’s a new addition in C++20 called std::endian. It’s a helper that makes dealing with the way computers store data in memory much simpler. In this article, we will discuss the std::endian and how to use it in C++ program.

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What is Endianness?

Before we look at the std::endian, let’s quickly chat about endianness. Endianness is the way computers store data that cannot be stored in a single byte like numbers. There are two types: little-endian and big-endian. Little-endian stores the least significant digit at the lower memory address and big-endian stores the most significant digits at the lower memory address....

std::endian in C++

The definition of the std::endian is C++ is:...


C++ // C++ program to illustrate the use of std::endian in C++ #include #include    using namespace std;    int main() {        // checking if native is little endian or big endian     if (endian::native == endian::little) {         cout << "This computer is little-endian!";     }     else if (endian::native == endian::big) {         cout << "This computer is big-endian!";     }     else {         cout << "Can't tell the endianness of this "                 "computer.";     }        return 0; }...

Why Endianess Matters?
