Why Farm Forestry Matters?

Farm forestry is essential for modern agriculture for several reasons:

  • It helps farmers diversify their income by providing additional sources of revenue from timber, fruits, nuts, and other forest products.
  • It contributes to environmental conservation by sequestering carbon dioxide, improving air quality, and protecting soil and water resources.
  • It enhances the resilience of farming systems by providing shade, windbreaks, and shelter for crops and livestock.
  • It promotes sustainable land management practices that benefit both farmers and the environment in the long term.

Farm Forestry| Class 11 Geography Notes

Farm forestry is a smart and sustainable approach to farming that involves growing trees alongside crops and livestock. This practice offers numerous benefits for farmers, the environment, and local communities. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of farm forestry, its objectives, features, and why it’s important for modern agriculture.

Farm Forestry| Class 11 Geography Notes

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Farm forestry is all about combining agriculture with forestry. It means planting trees on farmland, not just for timber production but also for various other purposes. These could include providing shade for crops, preventing soil erosion, attracting wildlife, and more. Essentially, it’s about making the most of the land by integrating trees into farming practices....

Objectives of Farm Forestry

1. Biodiversity Preservation: Farm forestry helps preserve biological diversity by creating habitats for wildlife and supporting the growth of native plants....

Features of Farm Forestry

1. Integrated Land Use: Farmers practice farm forestry by strategically planting trees alongside their crops and livestock. This integrated approach maximizes the use of available land....

Why Farm Forestry Matters?

Farm forestry is essential for modern agriculture for several reasons:...


Farm forestry offers a win-win solution for farmers, the environment, and local communities. By integrating trees into farming systems, farmers can enhance the productivity and sustainability of their operations while also contributing to broader conservation goals. As we look to build a more sustainable future, farm forestry will continue to play a crucial role in ensuring the health and prosperity of agricultural landscapes around the world....

Farm Forestry- FAQs

What is farm forestry?...