Why interpreting regression coefficients is difficult?

Interpreting regression coefficients in logistic regression can be complex due to several factors:

  • Non-linearity: While logistic regression assumes a linear relationship between predictors and the log odds of the outcome, this doesn’t imply linearity in the original predictor-outcome relationship. Consequently, interpreting coefficients directly as in linear regression can be misleading.
  • Log-odds scale: Logistic regression coefficients represent the change in log odds of the outcome per unit change in the predictor. Converting these changes back to probabilities, which are typically easier to interpret, requires additional steps such as exponentiation.
  • Interaction effects: Logistic regression allows for interaction effects between predictors, making interpretation more nuanced. Interactions can modify the effect of one predictor on the outcome based on the value of another predictor, complicating straightforward interpretation.
  • Categorical predictors: When predictors are categorical, logistic regression assigns coefficients representing the difference in log odds between each category and a reference category. This necessitates careful interpretation, especially if there are multiple categories.
  • Collinearity: High collinearity among predictors can inflate standard errors and make coefficient interpretation unreliable. Resolving collinearity issues, such as through variable selection or regularization techniques, is essential for accurate interpretation.

How to interpret odds ratios in logistic regression

Logistic regression is a statistical method used to model the relationship between a binary outcome and predictor variables. This article provides an overview of logistic regression, including its assumptions and how to interpret regression coefficients.

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Assumptions of logistic regression

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