Why is React a library?

React is categorized as a library because it provides a collection of tools, including components and functions, for use, without enforcing strict rules or structures for building the entire application. The core concept of React revolves around creating reusable UI components, which can be managed, updated, and reused. Unlike frameworks, which often impose a more directive structure and guidelines, React offers greater flexibility, concentrating specifically on aspects of the user interface. It focuses primarily on the view layer of the application, managing UI rendering and manipulation, while frameworks like Angular provide a more structured approach to application development.

Why is React considered a library and not a framework?

ReactJS is an open-source frontend JavaScript library that is used for building beautiful and dynamic webpages, especially for single-page applications. It was made by and is now taken care of by Facebook. Its main focus is on building user interfaces (UI), it also handles how the UI changes over time. Currently, react is one of the most popular libraries for frontend development because of its component-based architecture, easier understanding, and flexibility.

We will learn about the following concepts in this article:

Table of Content

  • What is a Library?
  • What is a Framework?
  • Why is React a library?
  • React-Based Frameworks
  • Benefits of Libraries
  • Limitations of Libraries
  • Benefits of frameworks
  • ⁤Limitations of frameworks

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Why is React a library?

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Benefits of Libraries:

Flexibility: Libraries are flexible which allows the developers to choose and integrate only required components or functions. Faster Development: Libraries allow developers to speed up the development process by using the existing code for common tasks or functionalities without writing complete code again. Code Reuse: Libraries provide reuseable code modules that can be easily integrated into different projects thus reducing redundancy and promoting consistency. Reduced Complexity: By using well-written code from libraries, developers reduce the complexity of the code, which makes it easier to understand, maintain, and debug....

Limitations of Libraries:

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Benefits of frameworks:

Opinionated Structure: Frameworks provide a predefined structure and architecture, which makes it easy for developers to develop an application. Built-in Features: Frameworks come with a lot of built-in features for many common tasks like routing and state management without the need to use external libraries. Consistency: A framework ensures a consistent development approach across the entire application, which makes it easier for large teams to work together. Plugins: Frameworks support various plugins or custom components that allow developers to add features that aren’t included in the core framework....

⁤Limitations of frameworks:

Less Flexibility: Frameworks are less flexible compared to libraries, as developers cannot deviate from the predefined structure. Vendor Lock-In: Once an application is developed using a particular framework, switching to different framework later is very difficult and time consuming. Learning Curve: Mastering a new framework requires lot of time and effort, especially for developers unfamiliar with its structure and syntax....