Why is the Standard Error Calculation important?

The Standard error emerges as a crucial calculation, particularly when working with sample data sets, as it furnishes a reliable estimation of their credibility. As the number of samples integrated into your standard deviation calculation expands, the magnitude of your standard error diminishes. This reduction signals in increased level of confidence in the accuracy of the sample, establishing a stronger connection between the sample’s insights and the broader population.


Standard Error=Standard Deviation/sqrt(n)


  • n= No. of samples.

Let’s follow the below steps and take a look at an example:

Step 1:  The dataset is given as follows:

Step 2:  Now for calculating the standard error we have to find the mean, standard deviation.

Step 3: Here we are calculating the standard deviation. And we have selected the rows whose standard deviation we have to calculate.

Step 4:  Now for calculating the standard error we have divided the standard deviation with the square root of no. of samples. The no. of samples here are 12.

This is the way by which we have calculated the standard error. In this mean was optional.

How To Calculate Standard Error in Excel

How to calculate standard error in Excel – Quick Steps

  1. Enter your data
  2. Create labels
  3. Calculate your standard deviation
  4. Count your items
  5. Calculate standard error

The standard error tells how accurate the mean of any given sample from that population is likely to be compared to the true population mean. 

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