Why Kubernetes used in DevOps

What is the use of Kubernetes in CICD pipeline?

Kubernetes helps to automate the deployment of containerized applications throughout development lifecycle.

What are the different resources provided by Kubernetes?

Deployments, Services , Ingress, Secrets, Persistent Volumes, ConfigMaps are some of the important resources provided by Kubernetes.

What are the key points to keep in mind while using Kubernetes for application deployment?

Ensuring security, high availability and scalability are some of the key points to keep in mind while deploying application using Kubernetes.

What is role of HPA in Kubernetes?

The HPA helps in automatically scaling up or down the number of pods on the amount of traffic application receives.

What are the different security features Kubernetes provide?

Kubernetes provides Secrets to store and manage the sensitive information like API tokens, passwords. It also provides RBAC which helps in giving access to Kubernetes resources on the basis of roles and permissions.

Why Kubernetes used in Devops?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool that is used to deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications. Kubernetes is one of the most important tools used in DevOps. In this guide, I have discussed what Kubernetes is, its architecture, and the key features it provides. Then I discussed the role of containers in DevOps. Then I briefly discussed how Kubernetes helps in the evolution of enterprise DevOps. After this, I have discussed several points regarding why Kubernetes is used in DevOps.

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Why Kubernetes Used In DevOps ?

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Here in this guide you have first learned what is Kubernetes. Then you have learned the key components of Master and Worker nodes in Kubernetes. After this you have learned about the different features provided by Kubernetes. Finally you have learned why Kubernetes is important tool used in DevOps....

Why Kubernetes used in DevOps – FAQs

What is the use of Kubernetes in CICD pipeline?...