Why React Hooks?

  • Simplified Logic: Hooks eliminate the need for class components, reducing boilerplate code and making components easier to understand and maintain.
  • Reusability: With Hooks, you can extract stateful logic into custom hooks and reuse it across multiple components, promoting code reuse and modularity.
  • Improved Performance: Hooks optimize the rendering process by allowing React to memoize the state and only re-render components when necessary.
  • Better Testing: Functional components with Hooks are easier to test compared to class components, as they are purely based on input and output.

Introduction to React Hooks

In React, Hooks are functions that allow you to manage state and perform side effects without the involvement of class components. Hooks were introduced in v16.8 of React and they can be accessed only through functional components but not through class components (Hooks were specifically designed for that). Hooks allow you to “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from functional components.

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What are React Hooks?

React Hooks are functions that allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Prior to Hooks, stateful logic in React components was primarily encapsulated in class components using the setState method. Hooks provide a more functional approach to state management and enable the use of lifecycle methods, context, and other React features in functional components....

Why React Hooks?

Simplified Logic: Hooks eliminate the need for class components, reducing boilerplate code and making components easier to understand and maintain.Reusability: With Hooks, you can extract stateful logic into custom hooks and reuse it across multiple components, promoting code reuse and modularity.Improved Performance: Hooks optimize the rendering process by allowing React to memoize the state and only re-render components when necessary.Better Testing: Functional components with Hooks are easier to test compared to class components, as they are purely based on input and output....

Traditional way of managing state and side effects

Managing state variable’s value through class components traditionally, Now, let us implement an incrementor that increments the number by clicking a button....

Rules of React Hooks

Hooks should be called only at the top level. Don’t call hooks conditonally and inside a loop.Hooks should be called only in a functional component but not through regular JavaScript functions....

Types of Hooks

State Hook allows us to manage component state directly within functional components, without the necessity of class components. State in React refers to any data or property that is dynamic and can change overtime....

Custom Hooks

Custom Hooks in React allows you to create your own hook and helps you to reuse that hook’s functionality across various functional components. A custom hook can be created by naming a JavaScript function with the prefix “use”....

Features of React Hooks

Functional Components: Allow using state and lifecycle methods in functional components without needing class syntax.Reusability: Promote reusability of stateful logic by encapsulating it in custom hooks.Simplified Lifecycle: Offer useEffect hook for handling side effects, replacing componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.Clean Code: Reduce boilerplate and improve readability by removing class components and HOCs.Improved Performance: Optimize rendering performance by memoizing values with useMemo and callbacks with useCallback.Easier Testing: Simplify unit testing of components with hooks by decoupling logic from the UI....