Why SaaS UI/UX Design

After answering the question what is SaaS UI/UX Design, the question arises why do we need SaaS UI/UX Design in the first place. Here are a few important points on the need of SaaS UI/UX Design:

  • Data-Driven decision making: The first step of UI/UX is to research about the user need and present it to the business team. Researching about the customers gives valuable insights about the product/service and what things should be improved.
  • User retention through SaaS UI/UX design: Retaining the user to spend more time on your SaaS product is completely independent of how good the codebase is. Key to User retention is a good user interface coupled with great user experience.
  • Improving the Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer: A good user experience might not improve the number of users visiting to use your SaaS product but will surely improve the conversion rate of these visitors coming again and again.
  • Effectively Communication and Brand Building: The visual elements along with the copywriting will take the majority part of your communication for the SaaS product and also the brand. Here good copywriting along with great UI can create a lasting impression in the mind of the user.
  • Improving UI/UX for scalability: The more your SaaS product reaches the masses, it has to be scaled to that magnitude. And upon scaling a buggy UI starts breaking, while a well-designed SaaS product can handle new functionalities been added and scaling up and down of the application.
  • Removing Glitches and bugs that might hinder user’s trust: Even a single bug in the interface can break the users fragile trust and they might end up not using your SaaS product, irrespective of how good the product is.
  • Saves resources in longer run: A SaaS product might not survive or thrive without a good UI/UX design. Investing in UI/UX design is longer term, so instead of getting the UI changed every time a new feature is added, its better to come up with a good UI/UX design.

SaaS UI/UX Design

As the Digital Industry is going more and more towards companies and startups offering SaaS (Software as a Service), we can see SaaS UI/UX design becoming a trending word around the UI/UX design communities and professionals. But what do we mean when we say SaaS UI/UX Design? it simply means creating a user experience and user interface for the product hosted on the Internet and delivering that experience to the customers on the Internet.

SaaS UI/UX Design

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After looking at soo many points regarding what SaaS UI/UX Design is, what is the importance of SaaS UI/UX Design and why is it necessary, we should remember that all these points are not just add on/advantages of any SaaS based startup or business. These are truly game changing both in positive and negative sense) for any startup or corporate. Make sure that irrespective of being a small startup or a established company, anyone can make mistakes around the UI/UX design by taking it lightly. But actually UI/UX design is crucial for any digital product and specially for SaaS products....