Why to use the Traceroute Tool?

A Traceroute tool is a valuable network diagnostic tool that helps to understand the actual path through which the data is passed from source to destination. Some of the reasons to use the Traceroute tool are stated below.

  1. Identify Network Hops: Traceroute reveals the path that packets take from the source to the destination. It displays the IP addresses of each router or hop along the route.
  2. Diagnose Latency Issues: By showing the round-trip time for each hop, traceroute helps identify where latency or delays occur. This information is crucial for diagnosing slow network connections.
  3. Detect Packet Loss: Traceroute can identify routers or links where packet loss is occurring. This is important for understanding and resolving issues that may impact the reliability of a network connection.
  4. Verify Routing Paths: It allows you to verify whether the packets are taking the expected path to the destination. Unexpected routes could indicate routing misconfigurations or network issues.

Traceroute Implementation on Python

In Network information discovery, the traceroute tool is a fundamental utility in a Linux environment. Although the tool is already developed for the command line utility, we can still make our own Traceroute tool using Python language. We will explore the fundamentals of ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) and utilize Python’s socket programming. So in this article, we will see the detailed implementation of the Traceroute tool in Python Language.

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Steps to create and execute Python Script


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