Why Typography is Important?

The importance of typography is immense, the importance of typography can be explained by the following points:

1. Setting a hierarchy

Typographic hierarchy is a method of ordering typefaces and fonts in a layout to create divisions that show users where to focus and how to find information. This helps the user to identify which is the most important part of text and which text can be ignored.

2. Legibility – Making text easy to read

Legibility is simply the readability of the code. Typography makes it very easy to understand and read the text. This helps a lot in clean and concise communication with the user. The job of typography is to make the product easier to read and navigate.

3. Communicating Effectively

The way we design our text plays an important role in effective communication of the mission and vision of the company. Great typography along with great content writing can change the way people feel about the website/application.

4. Better User retention

User retention depends a lot on the visual elements, but text also makes a significant contribution to a better user retention. Good typography helps in catching the eyes of the user and making them read the message we want to convey with the intensity we want to convey it with.

5. Effective and Enjoyable interaction

Typography greatly helps in providing Effective and Enjoyable interaction to the users. Text styling is aimed at easy, enjoyable and effective interactions between the users and the text. The primary goal of Typography is to provide the best interaction with the text.

What is Typography?

Typography is the way text looks on a page or screen. It’s about arranging letters to make them easy to read and nice to look at. Other than the visual elements, text is the most important form to communicate with the users, sometimes, text is even more important than the visuals itself. Good typography helps us read better, while bad typography makes it hard.


In this article, we will be talking about what Typography is in Web Design along with the typefaces, importance, and practices to follow and avoid in Typography.

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