Widget Management in WordPress

Let’s see the steps to go through the Widget Management in WordPress Easily and Quickly :

Step 1: Go to the WordPress login panel and provide the username and password to log in to the WordPress Dashboard. You can access the login panel by adding /wp-login.php at the end of your website URL.

WordPress Login Panel

After login into WordPress, you will be able to see a dashboard like this:

WordPress Dashboard

Step 2: We have to search and open the Widgets. For that:  

From the menu option on the left side, there are many options. Go to the Appearance >> Widgets.

Opening the Widget Section

After clicking on Widget, you will see a similar Page like this:

Widget Section

The following functions that appear on the page −

  • Available Widgets: It shows all available widgets and can be used to add into your sidebar main.
  • Inactive Widgets:  It shows available but inactive widgets.

That’s it, you have now successfully learned how to go through the Theme Management in WordPress.

WordPress Widget Management

Widgets in WordPress are small blocks that perform specific functions and can be added to various areas of your website, such as sidebars, footers, and other widget-ready areas. These blocks can include features like recent posts, categories, search bars, and more, which help to enhance the functionality and user experience of your site.

Whereas WordPress widget management is the process of adding, removing, and configuring these widgets to best suit your website’s needs.

Here we are going to discuss how we can do Widget Management in WordPress.

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Widget Management in WordPress

Let’s see the steps to go through the Widget Management in WordPress Easily and Quickly :...


In conclusion, widgets in WordPress are important tools that improves your website’s functionality and user experience by adding features like recent posts, categories, and search bars. WordPress Widget Management is simple: log in to your WordPress Dashboard, Go to Appearance >> Widgets, and add or configure widgets as needed. That’s it!...