Wnt Signaling Pathways

The Wnt signaling pathway is a conserved pathway. The Wnt family of signaling proteins participates in multiple developmental events during embryogenesis and has also been implicated in adult tissue homeostasis. Wnt signals are pleiotropic, with effects that include mitogenic stimulation, cell fate specification, and differentiation.

  • The Wnt signaling pathway is an ancient and evolutionarily conserved pathway that regulates crucial aspects of cell fate determination, cell migration, cell polarity, neural patterning, and organogenesis during embryonic development.
  • The Wnts are secreted glycoproteins and comprise a large family of nineteen proteins in humans hinting at the daunting complexity of signaling regulation, function, and biological output.
  • Wnt proteins are secreted glycoproteins that bind to the N-terminal extra-cellular cysteine-rich domain of the Frizzled (Fz) receptor family of which there is ten Fz (frizzled) in humans. 
  • The extra-cellular Wnt signal stimulates several intracellular signal transduction cascades. 
  • understanding the mechanisms of Wnt signaling, which is divided into two major branches: the canonical pathway and the noncanonical pathway. The canonical pathway is also called the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. There are two major non-canonical pathways: the Wnt-planar cell polarity pathway (Wnt-PCP pathway) and the Wnt-calcium pathway (Wnt-Ca2+ pathway).

Wnt signaling pathways are divided into two types 

  • Canonical Pathway
  • Noncanonical Pathway


Wnt Signaling

The name Wnt is a portmanteau of int and Wg and means “Wingless-related integration site“. Wnt has discharged elements that manage cell development, motility, and differentiation during embryonic development. Wnt acts in a paracrine design by enacting different signaling fountains inside the objective cells. 

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FAQs on Wnt Signaling

Question 1: Define Wnt Signaling....