Word Bank

Adventure Curious Grateful Mischievous Capture
Precious Celebrate Glorious Variety Discover

5th Grade Spelling Words Worksheet (Free)

Hello, Class 5 super spellers! Welcome to an exciting spelling adventure where we will sharpen our word wizardry skills. Spelling is like a secret code that helps us write and communicate accurately. Spelling becomes more difficult in fifth grade. More intricate spelling rules and patterns, such as multiple syllables, contractions, consonant blends, rule exceptions, and alternative word endings, are the focus of these spelling lists and worksheets. The better we are at spelling, the more confident and effective writers we become.

Here we have created a worksheet for you to ace in the spelling skills.

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Word Bank

Adventure Curious Grateful Mischievous Capture Precious Celebrate Glorious Variety Discover...


1. The _______ cat knocked over a vase while playing. ​✏️​​...