Working of Divide and Conquer Algorithm

Divide and Conquer Algorithm can be divided into three steps: Divide, Conquer and Merge .

1. Divide:

  • Break down the original problem into smaller subproblems.
  • Each subproblem should represent a part of the overall problem.
  • The goal is to divide the problem until no further division is possible.

2. Conquer:

  • Solve each of the smaller subproblems individually.
  • If a subproblem is small enough (often referred to as the “base case”), we solve it directly without further recursion.
  • The goal is to find solutions for these subproblems independently.

3. Merge:

  • Combine the sub-problems to get the final solution of the whole problem.
  • Once the smaller subproblems are solved, we recursively combine their solutions to get the solution of larger problem.
  • The goal is to formulate a solution for the original problem by merging the results from the subproblems.

Introduction to Divide and Conquer Algorithm – Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials

Divide and Conquer Algorithm is a problem-solving technique used to solve problems by dividing the main problem into subproblems, solving them individually and then merging them to find solution to the original problem. In this article, we are going to discuss how Divide and Conquer Algorithm is helpful and how we can use it to solve problems.

Table of Content

  • Divide and Conquer Algorithm Definition
  • Working of Divide and Conquer Algorithm
  • Characteristics of Divide and Conquer Algorithm
  • Examples of Divide and Conquer Algorithm
  • Complexity Analysis of Divide and Conquer Algorithm
  • Applications of Divide and Conquer Algorithm
  • Advantages of Divide and Conquer Algorithm
  • Disadvantages of Divide and Conquer Algorithm

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Divide and Conquer Algorithm Definition:

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Working of Divide and Conquer Algorithm:

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Characteristics of Divide and Conquer Algorithm:

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Applications of Divide and Conquer Algorithm:

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Advantages of Divide and Conquer Algorithm:

Solving difficult problems: Divide and conquer technique is a tool for solving difficult problems conceptually. e.g. Tower of Hanoi puzzle. It requires a way of breaking the problem into sub-problems, and solving all of them as an individual cases and then combining sub- problems to the original problem. Algorithm efficiency: The divide-and-conquer algorithm often helps in the discovery of efficient algorithms. It is the key to algorithms like Quick Sort and Merge Sort, and fast Fourier transforms. Parallelism: Normally Divide and Conquer algorithms are used in multi-processor machines having shared-memory systems where the communication of data between processors does not need to be planned in advance, because distinct sub-problems can be executed on different processors. Memory access: These algorithms naturally make an efficient use of memory caches. Since the subproblems are small enough to be solved in cache without using the main memory that is slower one. Any algorithm that uses cache efficiently is called cache oblivious....

Disadvantages of Divide and Conquer Algorithm:

Overhead: The process of dividing the problem into subproblems and then combining the solutions can require additional time and resources. This overhead can be significant for problems that are already relatively small or that have a simple solution. Complexity: Dividing a problem into smaller subproblems can increase the complexity of the overall solution. This is particularly true when the subproblems are interdependent and must be solved in a specific order. Difficulty of implementation: Some problems are difficult to divide into smaller subproblems or require a complex algorithm to do so. In these cases, it can be challenging to implement a divide and conquer solution. Memory limitations: When working with large data sets, the memory requirements for storing the intermediate results of the subproblems can become a limiting factor....

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Divide and Conquer Algorithm:

1. What is the Divide and Conquer algorithm?...