Working of MERN stack Application

The MERN architecture allows you to easily construct a three-tier architecture entirely using JavaScript and JSON. These layers are as follows:

Web as front-end tier:

In the MERN stack, ReactJS manages the front-end, enabling users to build dynamic web applications with reusable components. It facilitates the creation of complex user interfaces and efficiently connects them to backend data. ReactJS supports code reusability and enables the development of large-scale applications capable of updating content dynamically without full page reloads.

Server as the middle tier:

In the MERN stack, the server or middle-tier is managed by ExpressJS and NodeJS. ExpressJS simplifies API and web server creation, while NodeJS executes JavaScript code outside of browsers. Together, they empower developers to build scalable and efficient server-side components for MERN applications.

Database as backend tier:

In the MERN stack, MongoDB manages the backend tier, serving as a NoSQL document-oriented database. It stores application data like content, user profiles, and statistics, providing flexibility without fixed schemas. MongoDB’s NoSQL approach enables efficient storage and retrieval of large data volumes, ensuring data safety through replication mechanisms.

MERN Stack Fundamentals: Data Persistence with MongoDB

The MERN Stack, comprising MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS, is a leading JavaScript platform for modern full-stack web apps. MongoDB offers a flexible NoSQL database, while Express provides a robust web framework. React enables dynamic user interfaces, and NodeJS facilitates server-side development. Together, they form a scalable, cohesive platform for building data-intensive, interactive web applications. With a shared JavaScript environment, the MERN stack offers seamless data flow and empowers users to create projects of varying scales.

Table of Content

  • Components of MERN stack
  • Advantages of MERN Stack:
  • Working of MERN stack Application
  • What is data persistence?
  • MongoDB Data Persistence in MERN Stack
  • Persist data at the user level vs. application level
  • Why is data persistence important?
  • Persistent vs non-persistent data:
  • How do you ensure data persistence?
  • What are the four device states for persistent storage acquisition?
  • Can data persistence be achieved using a database system?

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