Working of Microphone

We all know that in computers every process works in the principle of Input-Process-output cycle same principle used here also whenever a person speaks sound energy and waves entered into microphone and generates energy. When sound waves hit the diaphragm, it continuously varies (moves forward and backward) and coil also moved here. Here the coil cuts the magnetic field which is produced by permanent magnet inside the microphone, electric current runs through it. Current is used to drive the sound recording device which allows to store the sound and we can also able to magnify the current which converts electricity into louder sound finally creates the audio signal by using electrostatic principles.

What is a Microphone?

The microphone was developed by Emile Berliner in the year 1877. Microphone acts as an input device that is used to convert sound waves into electrical waves. it captures audio by conversion of sound waves into electrical signals which may be analog or digital. This process is implemented by using the latest high definitions and processing computers. Actually, the first microphone is based on the liquid mechanism, here the diaphragm was connected to a current needle which cannot produce clear speech. Besides the type of device microphone is designed for directionality let me give a clear example Omnidirectional microphone picks all sounds in any area but the disadvantage of using this is unable to focus with background noise. Microphones are used to capture sound in various applications such as music, podcasts, videos audio speeches, etc. The microphone is the best invention it makes and saves more energy by delivering speech with a good amount of efficiency.

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History of Microphones

In 1800s In older times when there are various addressing phenomenon of large set of audiences. Nowadays microphones are connected with entertainment and music fields but in earlier period around 1600, scientists started to research and develops about how to magnify the sound. It was charles wheatstone who played important role in developing microphone on 1827. He is know as the best inventor of telegraph and he was the only first person who had the interest in acoustics and he recognized sound can be transmitted by waves with the help of mediums. In 1878, alexander graham bell invented liquid microphone and launched telephone voice transmitter....

Working of Microphone

We all know that in computers every process works in the principle of Input-Process-output cycle same principle used here also whenever a person speaks sound energy and waves entered into microphone and generates energy. When sound waves hit the diaphragm, it continuously varies (moves forward and backward) and coil also moved here. Here the coil cuts the magnetic field which is produced by permanent magnet inside the microphone, electric current runs through it. Current is used to drive the sound recording device which allows to store the sound and we can also able to magnify the current which converts electricity into louder sound finally creates the audio signal by using electrostatic principles....

Types of Microphones

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Uses of Microphones

Medical and healthcare: By providing high quality signal when worn by a speaker and also serves as a reminder of health care provider. E-learning and education: For to get immense learning experience. Industrial and QC: Shur SM58 is one of the best microphone in the market which acts ad portable audio processing equipment. Entertainment: For singing as well as hearing audio songs, recording and so on. Scientific research and analysis: To detect the audio signals in various experiments by using scientific analysis. Webinars and video conferences: To promote free speeches or paid one (knowledge sharing and insights). Telecommunications: To sing, to deliver the speech or any assemble programs. Broadcasting systems: To develop stories or events through live or recorded news. Sound reinforcement: It is used for to maximize and minimize the sound by using various instruments....

Advantages of Microphones

Enhanced audio control and versatility: For larger audience, by using updated microphones the sound signals will reach clearly and with clear pitch by providing great audio experience. Good accessibility: It has an ease access and easy to control or adjust. Noise reduction: It eliminates unwanted noise that is being created it happens due to pressure waves running through the air medium. Voice recognition software and controls: It means sound waves can be implemented in real time by using enhanced version of interconnectivity of hardware and software. Entertainment: It is used for entertaining purposes such as singing, listening, radio and television broadcasting and so on....

Disadvantages of Microphones

It has lot of power consumption: Whether it is wired or wireless since it requires high power supply which leads to lot of power consumption with respect to time. Signal-to-Noise ratio: It is used to compare the level of background noise to level of desired sound signal. Less portability: Omnidirectional microphones have less portability than directional microphones. High price and Low durability: Latest microphones have increased the cost due to high demand in electronic devices like microphones, speakers etc. Durability varies from companies. Unwanted noises: They can pick up intrusive background noise and other unwanted noise which may distract or disturb the audience as well as speaker....


In this article we came through evolution and history of microphone and its various factors which is used in various fields and domains. Microphone makes us life very comfortable and productive too. We also see some advantages and disadvantages along with various applications of microphones which you guys need to know. We all will think microphone that we hold everyday as just an object but in todays world everything is a precious thing and holding a great value and inventions. No matter whatever electronic or mechanical devices that we use today has tremendous research and discovery in the past....

FAQs on What is a Microphone?

Q.1: Write some applications of Microphones?...