Working of Power Triangle

The Power Triangle works by calculating the power factor (cosθ) using the relationship between P, Q, and S. It is basically a right angle triangle that follows the Pythagoras’ theorem .Mathematically we can conclude the two points as follows:

  • Power Factor (cos θ) = P/S
  • S2 =P2+Q2

Power Triangle

Imagine yourself as a kid who wishes to play with a toy car that runs on batteries. You want to play for long and so you want the batteries to last as long as possible. The “Power Triangle” can help you achieve this. The Power Triangle shows what percent of the battery’s power is being used to move the car in the forward direction and what percent of the battery’s power is being used to rotate the motor, or in particular terms the Active Power (P), Reactive Power (Q) and the Real(or Apparent) Power (S). You can use the Power Triangle to reduce the power consumption so that the batteries last longer and you can enjoy much.

In this article we will be going Through What this is the Power triangle, In this, we will go through the Power Factor(Leading as Well as Lagging), then we will go through the Power Triangle of Ac, In this we will go through Active, Reactive and Apparent power in depth. At last, we will conclude our Article with Solved Problems, Its Application with its Advantages and Disadvantages.

Table of Content

  • What is a Power Triangle?
  • Power Factor
  • Effects
  • Working of Power Triangle
  • Properties of Power Triangle
  • Characteristics of Power Triangle
  • Applications of Power Triangle
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Power Triangle
  • Solved Problems

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Power Factor is the cosine of the phase difference between voltage and current or in other terms its the cosine of the angle of the load impedance or the ratio of real power ( P ) to the apparent power ( S ) . The power factor is lagging if the current lags voltage (inductive load) and the power factor is leading when the current leads voltage ( capacitive load ). The parameters P,Q and S is expressed as P=S cos( θv- θi) , S= VrmsIrms and Q=VrmsIrms sin( θv- θi) where P is calculated in Watts( W ) , Q in VAR and S in VA. The total complex power in a circuit is the sum of the complex powers of all the individual components and the same goes for the total reactive power and total real power, but the apparent power isn’t calculated in the same process. Coming on to the improvement of the power factor , its very important for economic reasons . In short power factor is the game changer of any electrical circuit / device and its very important to consider it while designing . It reduces costs and provides longer shelf life to the electrical devices ....

FAQs on Power Triangle

What is the significance of the power factor in the Power Triangle?...