Working of WWW

A Web browser is used to access web pages. Web browsers can be defined as programs which display text, data, pictures, animation and video on the Internet. Hyperlinked resources on the World Wide Web can be accessed using software interfaces provided by Web browsers. Initially, Web browsers were used only for surfing the Web but now they have become more universal.

The below diagram indicates how the Web operates just like client-server architecture of the internet. When users request web pages or other information, then the web browser of your system request to the server for the information and then the web server  provide requested services to web browser back and finally the requested service is utilized by the user who made the request.

World Wide Web

Web browsers can be used for several tasks including conducting searches, mailing, transferring files, and much more. Some of the commonly used browsers are Internet Explorer, Opera Mini, and Google Chrome. 

World Wide Web (WWW)

All public websites or web pages that people may access on their local computers and other devices through the internet are collectively known as the World Wide Web or W3. Users can get further information by navigating to links interconnecting these pages and documents. This data may be presented in text, picture, audio, or video formats on the internet.

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