Working Principle of DC Motor

Take a look at the diagram of a DC motor to understand the working principle of this motor.

DC motor

DC motor works on “Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction” which states that a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field will experience a force. Let us understand it.

The North-South magnetic poles of the DC motor create a magnetic field inside the motor. Due to the power supplied to the motor, certain direct current flows into the coil. This situation can be described as in Faraday’s law. A current-carrying wire which behaves as a conductor is placed in the magnetic field of the motor poles.

Since the magnetic field above the conductor is different from the magnetic field below the conductor, a flux is developed across the conductor. The difference in flux density between the top and bottom of the conductor will generate a torque and cause the wire to rotate at a certain speed.

This is how the electrical energy provided to the motor is converted into mechanical energy by the rotation of the current-carrying conductor.

Applications of DC Motor

Motors were developed a long time ago and have been a blessing to people due to the convenience with which they can convert mechanical energy to electronic energy. It is therefore necessary to understand what Is a DC Motor and what principles it works on. In this article, we will also study the advantages and disadvantages of DC motors.

We will discuss the applications of DC Motor in detail and later conclude the article by discussing some future trends of DC Motor. Readers are advised to go through the frequently asked questions in case of any doubts.

Table of Content

  • What is DC Motor?
  • Applications of DC Motor
    • DC Motor is an Industry
    • DC Series Motor for Carrying a Load
    • Shunt DC Motors in Centrifugal Machines
    • DC Motor in Computer Peripherals
    • DC Motor in Automobiles
  • Future Trends of DC Motor

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