Working Principle of Transponder

Transponder is like an electronic circuit which has receiver and transmitter generally we see transponder and  satellites and in satellites they receive the signal from the ground stations and then retransmit and broadcast  to the earth stations, Transponders will also do functions like signal amplification noise reduction and  frequency conversion. 

The transponder works with radio frequency and then respond to the monitoring or the controlling of the  devices and the Signals and Communications once a signal is sent transponder react by simply returning and  other signal information within the response change which is based on kind of transponder although it also  contain codes or the location of the aircraft in any machine the transport automatically transmits back a radio  signal at a fixed frequency to transmit and receive Signals concretely transmitting and receiving signals should  be set at the dissimilar frequencies. 


A Transponder we can say that it is a controller device that picks up and automatically responds to an incoming signal or whatever the input is coming in the machine, so this is a combination of transmitter and responder which is called a transponder. Also, a transponder is an electronic device that produces a response when it receives a radio frequency interrogation, or we can say a communication satellite transponder is also used between receiving and transmitting the Antennas for the signals. There are two functions of the Transponder which can be said to amplify the received input signals which is received in a format and then translate the frequency of it. It is a wireless communication device that takes the incoming signals automatically and then to it.

Table of Content

  • Working Principle
  • Uses of Transponder
  • Classification
  • Types
  • Sun pass transponder
  • Transponder types in Controlling Air Traffic
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Applications of Transponder

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Working Principle of Transponder

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Uses of Transponder

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Classification of Transponder

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Sun Pass Transponder

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Transponder react to the incoming input in a device and gives the output , it is the controller device used in various technologies. In communication satellites it receives some signals over some range from a satellite  or ground station then a transponder then amplifies them and then again retransmits them on different  frequencies so that it can be received on earth without changing any content of the received signal. So basically it receives input signals , amplifies it and gives output signal....

FAQs on Transponder

1. What is the difference between transmitter and transponder?...