Working with FinDOM-XSS Tool in Kali Linux OS

Example 1: Run the tool on a target


In this example, we are running the tool against the domain

We have got the potential DOM on through which XSS can be executed.

Results are saved in the text file:

Example 2: Run the tool against Multiple targets

cat urls.txt | ./

In this example, we are running the tool against multiple targets which are saved in the urls.txt file.

We have got potential DOM on

We have got potential DOM on

No Potential DOM is been detected on

FinDOM-XSS – Fast DOM Based XSS Vulnerability Scanner

DOM XSS stands for Document Object Model-based Cross-site Scripting. DOM-based vulnerabilities occur within the content processing stage performed on the client, typically in client-side JavaScript. In a DOM-based XSS attack, the malicious string is not parsed by the victim’s browser until the website’s authentic JavaScript is executed. 

To perform a DOM-based XSS attack, you would like to store data into an origin in order that it’s delivered to a sink and causes the execution of arbitrary JavaScript code. FinDOM-XSS is an automatic tool developed within the Shell Script which aims to seek out the possible and/ potential DOM-based XSS vulnerability in a fast manner. FinDOM-XSS tool is available on GitHub, it’s free and open-source. This tool works with a single target as well as multiple targets at the same time.

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