WP Statistics

WP Statistics is another great plugin for the WordPress visitor statistics. It offers detailed updates of the visitors and users. It is one of the most popular options available today. It gives great information about the site’s performance such as visitor’s statistics. It is also great for privacy as it stores the data locally on your own server.


  • It helps to track statistics for user visits, search engines, online users, and more.
  • It also gives the feature of GeoIP location by Country
  • It also offers Interactive map of visitors’ locations.


  • It offers great data tracking
  • No external services required
  • GDPR compliant.


  • The interface can be overwhelming for beginners
  • Some features require a premium subscription
  • May slow down the site if you have a lot of traffic

Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-statistics/

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Analytics and Visitor Tracking

The digital world is all about data. It is all about understanding the website’s performance and visitor behavior is very necessary for growth. WordPress is a tool that is used by various bloggers. It is a platform that offers numerous plugins for analytics and other data tracking.

There are various WordPress plugins that provide insightful analytics and help you track visitor behavior effectively. Most WordPress users use these Plugins to work nicely and to give their WordPress account a boost.

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