XML Assertions

XML Assertions validate the structure and content of XML responses.

To implement an XML Assertion:

  • 1. Access the “Tests” tab.
  • 2. Write assertions using the `pm.response` object or external libraries.


// XML Assertion Example (Using External Library - 'xml2js')
const xml2js = require('xml2js');
pm.test("Response body is a valid XML with specific content", function () {
    var xmlResponse = pm.response.text();
    xml2js.parseString(xmlResponse, function (err, result) {


XML Assertions

Explain different types of Postman Assertions

Postman is a popular API development and testing tool that allows developers to design, test, and document APIs. One crucial aspect of API testing in Postman is the use of assertions, which are validations performed on the responses received from API requests. Assertions help ensure that the API behaves as expected and that the data exchanged is accurate. In this article, we will delve into different types of assertions in Postman, discussing their significance and how to implement them.

There are several approaches to implementing assertions in Postman, each serving a unique purpose. The main assertion types include:

Table of Content

  • Status Code Assertions
  • Response Body Assertions
  • Header Assertions
  • JSON Schema Assertions
  • XML Assertions

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Response Body Assertions:


Header Assertions:

These assertions validate the content of the response body. You can check for specific values, patterns, or elements within the response....

JSON Schema Assertions


XML Assertions:

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