ADO Stream Object

The ADO Stream Object is used to read, write, and manage a stream of binary data or text

Stream Object (ADO version 2.5)

The ADO Stream Object is used to read, write, and manage a stream of binary data or text.

A Stream object can be obtained in three ways:

  • From a URL pointing to a document, a folder, or a Record object
  • By instantiating a Stream object to store data for your application
  • By opening the default Stream object associated with a Record object
  • Syntax


    Property Description
    CharSet Sets or returns a value that specifies into which character set the contents are to be translated. This property is only used with text Stream objects (type is adTypeText)
    EOS Returns whether the current position is at the end of the stream or not
    LineSeparator Sets or returns the line separator character used in a text Stream object
    Mode Sets or returns the available permissions for modifying data
    Position Sets or returns the current position (in bytes) from the beginning of a Stream object
    Size Returns the size of an open Stream object
    State Returns a value describing if the Stream object is open or closed
    Type Sets or returns the type of data in a Stream object


    Method Description
    Cancel Cancels an execution of an Open call on a Stream object
    Close Closes a Stream object
    CopyTo Copies a specified number of characters/bytes from one Stream object into another Stream object
    Flush Sends the contents of the Stream buffer to the associated underlying object
    LoadFromFile Loads the contents of a file into a Stream object
    Open Opens a Stream object
    Read Reads the entire stream or a specified number of bytes from a binary Stream object
    ReadText Reads the entire stream, a line, or a specified number of characters from a text Stream object
    SaveToFile Saves the binary contents of a Stream object to a file
    SetEOS Sets the current position to be the end of the stream (EOS)
    SkipLine Skips a line when reading a text Stream
    Write Writes binary data to a binary Stream object
    WriteText Writes character data to a text Stream object