Data Access Object Pattern

Data Access Object Model (Data Access Object Pattern) or DAO pattern for the low-level data access API or separated from the operation of advanced business services. The following is a participant in the Data Access Object pattern.

  • Interface Data Access Objects (Data Access Object Interface) - This interface defines the standard operations on a model object to be executed.
  • Data Access Objects entity classes (Data Access Object concrete class) - This class implements the above interfaces.This class is responsible for getting data from the data source, the data source can be a database, it can be xml, or other storage mechanism.
  • Model Object / value objects (Model Object / Value Object) - The object is simple POJO, includes get / set methods to store by using DAO classes to retrieve data.


We will create aStudentobject model object or value object as.StudentDaodata access object interface.StudentDaoImplentity class is to achieve a data access object interface.DaoPatternDemo,our demonstration class to demonstrate the use ofStudentDaoData Access Object pattern of usage.

Data Access Object pattern UML diagram

step 1

Create a value object.

public class Student {
   private String name;
   private int rollNo;

   Student (String name, int rollNo) { = name;
      this.rollNo = rollNo;

   public String getName () {
      return name;

   public void setName (String name) { = name;

   public int getRollNo () {
      return rollNo;

   public void setRollNo (int rollNo) {
      this.rollNo = rollNo;

Step 2

Create a data access object interface.

import java.util.List;

public interface StudentDao {
   public List <Student> getAllStudents ();
   public Student getStudent (int rollNo);
   public void updateStudent (Student student);
   public void deleteStudent (Student student);

Step 3

Create entity class implements the above interfaces.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class StudentDaoImpl implements StudentDao {
   // List is a database as a List <Student> students;

   public StudentDaoImpl () {
      students = new ArrayList <Student> ();
      Student student1 = new Student ( "Robert", 0);
      Student student2 = new Student ( "John", 1);
      students.add (student1);
      students.add (student2);		
   public void deleteStudent (Student student) {
      students.remove (student.getRollNo ());
      System.out.println ( "Student: Roll No" + student.getRollNo () 
         + ", Deleted from database");

   // Retrieve the list of students from the database @Override
   public List <Student> getAllStudents () {
      return students;

   public Student getStudent (int rollNo) {
      return students.get (rollNo);

   public void updateStudent (Student student) {
      students.get (student.getRollNo ()) setName (student.getName ()).;
      System.out.println ( "Student: Roll No" + student.getRollNo () 
         + ", Updated in the database");

Step 4

StudentDaoto demonstrate the use of the Data Access Object pattern of usage.

public class DaoPatternDemo {
   public static void main (String [] args) {
      StudentDao studentDao = new StudentDaoImpl ();

      // Output all students for (Student student: studentDao.getAllStudents ()) {
         System.out.println ( "Student: [RollNo:"
            + Student.getRollNo () + ", Name:" + student.getName () + "]");

      // Update Student Student student = studentDao.getAllStudents () get (0).;
      student.setName ( "Michael");
      studentDao.updateStudent (student);

      // Get students studentDao.getStudent (0);
      System.out.println ( "Student: [RollNo:"
         + Student.getRollNo () + ", Name:" + student.getName () + "]");		

Step 5

Verify output.

Student: [RollNo: 0, Name: Robert]
Student: [RollNo: 1, Name: John]
Student: Roll No 0, updated in the database
Student: [RollNo: 0, Name: Michael]