Front Controller pattern

Front Controller pattern (Front Controller Pattern) is used to provide a centralized mechanism for handling requests, all requests are processed by a single handler. The handler can do authentication / authorization / logging or tracking request, then the request to the appropriate handler. The following is an entity of this design pattern.

  • Front Controller (Front Controller) - a single handler to process all types of requests an application, the application may be a web-based application that can be desktop-based applications.
  • Scheduler (Dispatcher) - front-end controller may use a dispatcher object to dispatch the request to the appropriate specific handler.
  • View (View) - view is the object of the request and created.


We will createFrontController,Dispatcher, respectively, as the front-end controller and scheduler.HomeViewandStudentViewview showing a variety of front-end controller receives a request to create.

FrontControllerPatternDemo,our demonstration class to demonstrate the useFrontControllerFront Controller design pattern.

Front Controller pattern UML diagram

step 1

Create the view.

public class HomeView {
   public void show () {
      System.out.println ( "Displaying Home Page");

public class StudentView {
   public void show () {
      System.out.println ( "Displaying Student Page");

Step 2

Create dispatcher Dispatcher.

public class Dispatcher {
   private StudentView studentView;
   private HomeView homeView;
   public Dispatcher () {
      studentView = new StudentView ();
      homeView = new HomeView ();

   public void dispatch (String request) {
      if (request.equalsIgnoreCase ( "STUDENT")) { ();
      } Else { ();

Step 3

Creating a front controller FrontController.

public class FrontController {
   private Dispatcher dispatcher;

   public FrontController () {
      dispatcher = new Dispatcher ();

   private boolean isAuthenticUser () {
      System.out.println ( "User is authenticated successfully.");
      return true;

   private void trackRequest (String request) {
      System.out.println ( "Page requested:" + request);

   public void dispatchRequest (String request) {
      // Record every request trackRequest (request);
      // To authenticate the user if (isAuthenticUser ()) {
         dispatcher.dispatch (request);

Step 4

FrontControllerto demonstrate the use of the Front Controller design pattern.

public class FrontControllerPatternDemo {
   public static void main (String [] args) {
      FrontController frontController = new FrontController ();
      frontController.dispatchRequest ( "HOME");
      frontController.dispatchRequest ( "STUDENT");

Step 5

Verify output.

Page requested: HOME
User is authenticated successfully.
Displaying Home Page
Page requested: STUDENT
User is authenticated successfully.
Displaying Student Page