Django extends Tag

The extends tag allows you to add a parent template for the current template


The extends tag allows you to add a parent template for the current template.

This means that you can have one master page that acts like a parent for all other pages:





{% block mymessage %}
{% endblock %}



{% extends 'mymaster.html' %}

{% block mymessage %}
  <p>This page has a master page</p>
{% endblock %} 

You put placeholders in the master template, telling Django where to put which content.

Django uses the {% block %} tag, to create placeholders:



{% block myheading %}
{% endblock %}

{% block mymessage %}
{% endblock %}


Templates that uses the master template, uses the {% block %} tag to create content that will be displayed in the placeholder with the same name:


{% extends 'mymaster.html' %}

{% block myheading %}
{% endblock %}

{% block mymessage %}
    {% for x in members %}
      <li>{{ x.firstname }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}