Django Template Filter - add

Definition and Usage

The add filter adds a specified argument to a value.

The add filter tries to convert the values into numbers and return the sum, but if is not possible to convert the values into numbers, the specified argument will be added at the end:


Add the phrase "-CHECK" at the end of each fruit:

{% for x in fruits %}
  <h1>{{ x|add:"-CHECK" }}</h1>
{% endfor %}

You can also add one list to another:


Add the list vegetables at the end of the list fruits:

{{ fruits|add:vegetables }}

Note: If Django is unable to convert the values into the same data type, it will return an empty string.


{{ value|add:valuetoadd }}

Template filters are defined by using a pipe | character followed by the name of the filter.

Arguments are defined by using a colon : character followed by the argument value.


Value Description
valuetoadd Required. The value to add to the original value. If both values can be converted to numbers, the sum will be returned, otherwise the added value will be added at the end of the original value.