Excel RAND Function

The RAND function is used to generate random numbers

RAND Function

The RAND function is used to generate random numbers.

It is typed =RAND

Rand can be used to generate any random number.

You can define limits, create random data sets and much more.

To use the default RAND function, write:


To use the RAND function to receive a random number up to a certain value, write:


To use the RAND function to receive a whole number, write:


How to Use RAND Function

To receive a random number, use RAND.

Step 1) Start the RAND function
  • Select a cell A1
  • Type =RAND
  • Double click the RAND command
  • Step 2) Close the function
  • Close the function with ())
  • Hit enter
  • The random number has been generated!

    How to Use RAND Function With a Defined Limit Value.

  • Define the limit (*10)
  • Hit enter
  • A random number between 0 and 10 has been generated!

    How to Receive a Whole Number Using The RAND Function.

  • Add (INT) before the RAND function
  • Hit enter
  • A random whole number between 0 and 10 has been generated!

    How to Generate Multiple Random Numbers.

  • Drag the bottom right corner of the cell down to generate more numbers.
  • 10 random numbers were generated in the A column!

    function copyFormulas(elementId){ /* Get the text field */ var copyText = document.getElementById(elementId); /* Select the text field */ copyText.select(); copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /* For mobile devices */ /* Copy the text inside the text field */ navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText.value) .then(() => { alert('Range copied to clipboard.\nIt can now be pasted into the Excel spreadsheet.') }) .catch((error) => { alert(`Copy failed! ${error}`) }) }