Excel TRIM Function

The TRIM function is premade in Excel and used to remove irregular text spacing and keep single spaces between words

TRIM Function

The TRIM function is premade in Excel and used to remove irregular text spacing and keep single spaces between words.

It is typed =TRIM

If you want to use the function on a single cell, write:


If you want to use the function on a range of cells, write:

=TRIM(start cell:end cell)

Note: Irregular spacing is unnecessary spacing within the dataset that can occur before, after or between text or numbers within a cell.

Example TRIM Function

Use Trim to tidy up irregular spaces in the dataset within the range A2:C21.

Note: To define the range, separate the range values with a colon symbol :

How to Use TRIM Function

Step 1) Start the TRIM function
  • Select a cell E2
  • Type =TRIM
  • Double click the TRIM command
  • Step 2) Select a range of cells to be used in the TRIM function
  • Select a range (A2:C21)
  • Hit enter
  • Excel Skills for Business Specialization
    Try it yourself!

    Copy the values in the example above and try it on your own!

    The range of values will be tidied up.

    The function returns a dataset formatted without irregular spaces:

    Step 3) Use the TRIM function with spacing between text:

    Use =TRIM function by following the steps in the example above to format the text:

    The text looks much better now!

    function copyFormulas(elementId){ /* Get the text field */ var copyText = document.getElementById(elementId); /* Select the text field */ copyText.select(); copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /* For mobile devices */ /* Copy the text inside the text field */ navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText.value) .then(() => { alert('Range copied to clipboard.\nIt can now be pasted into the Excel spreadsheet.') }) .catch((error) => { alert(`Copy failed! ${error}`) }) }