Foundation grid system

Foundation for the 12 grid system.

If you do not have 12, you can merge a number of columns, create a series of greater width.

Foundation of the grid system is responsive. Column will automatically resize based on the screen size. On a large screen, it may be three, the small screen size, it could be three separate, sequential.

Grid Column

Foundation grid system has three columns:

  • .small (mobile terminal)
  • .medium (tablet)
  • .large (computer equipment: notebook, desktop)

Above classes can be combined to create a more flexible layout

The basic structure of the grid

The following are the basic grid structure instance Foundation:


<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "small | medium | large- num columns"> </ div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "small | medium | large- num columns"> </ div>
<Div class = "small | medium | large- num columns"> </ div>
<Div class = "small | medium | large- num columns"> </ div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "row">
</ Div>

First, create a row ( <div class="row"> ). This is a level of vertical columns. Then add the number of columns described small- num , medium- num and large- num class. Note: The number of columns num must add up to 12:


<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "small-12 columns"> .small-12 yellow </ div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "small-8 columns"> .small-8 beige </ div>
<Div class = "small-4 columns"> .small-4 gray </ div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "large-9 small-8 columns"> .small-8 .large-9 pink </ div>
<Div class = "large-3 small-4 columns"> .small-4 .large-3 orange </ div>
</ Div>

Example, the first line of the <div> class .small-12 , which creates 12 (100% width).

The second line creates two columns, .small-4 width is% 33.3, .small-8 width of 66.6%.

The third line we added two extra columns ( .large-3 and .large-9 ). This means that if the large screen size, the column will become% 25 ( .large-3 )% and 75 ( .large-9 ratio) of. We also specify the proportion of the small screen above the% 33 ( .small-4 )% and 66 ( .small-8 ). Such combinations for different screen display is very helpful.

Grid Options

The following table summarizes the Foundation explained grid system on multiple devices:

Small equipment
Phones (<40.0625em (640px))
Moderate equipment
Tablets (> = 40.0625em (640px))
Large equipment
Laptops & Desktops (> = 64.0625em (1025px))
Grid Behavior It has been the level of Began to collapse, break above horizontal Began to collapse, break above horizontal
Class prefix .small- * .medium- * .large- *
Number of classes 12 12 12
Can be embedded Yes Yes Yes
Offset Yes Yes Yes
Column sorting Yes Yes Yes


Grid maximum ( .row ) width 62.5rem. On widescreen, when the width is greater than 62.5rem, the column does not span the width of the page, even if the width is set to 100%. But you can reset via CSS max-width:


.row {
max-width: 100%;
</ Style>

If you use the default max-width, but want the background color across the entire width of the page, you can use .row wrap the entire container, and you need to specify a background color:


<Div style = "background-color: coral; padding: 25px;">
<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "small-6 columns" style = "background-color: yellow;"> small-6 </ div>.
<Div class = "small-6 columns" style = "background-color: pink;"> small-6 </ div>.
</ Div>
</ Div>