Foundation slider

Foundation slider allows the user to select the range of values ​​by dragging:

Slider by using <div class="range-slider" data-slider> " data-slider> Create. In the <div> inside, add two <span> element: <span class="range-slider-handle"> Create a rectangular slider (blue background), <span class="range-slider-active-segment"> in the gray bar slider after the slider area.

Note: The slider requires JavaScript. So you need to initialize oundation JS:


<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider>
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>

<-! Initialize Foundation JS ->
$ (Document) .ready (function () {
$ (Document) .foundation ();
</ Script>

Fillet and disable slider

Use .radius and .round classes to add rounded corners slider. Use .disabled class to disable the slider:


<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider> /en </ div>
<Div class = "range-slider radius" data-slider> /en. </ div>
<Div class = "range-slider round" data-slider> /en. </ div>
<Div class = "range-slider disabled" data-slider> /en. </ div>

Vertical slider

Use .vertical-range classes and data-options="vertical: true;" ;" to create a vertical slider:


<Div class = "range-slider vertical-range" data-slider data-options = "vertical: true;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>

Slider value

By default, the slider bar in the middle of (a value of "50"). You can add data-options="initial: num " " to modify the default value of the property:


<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider data-options = "initial: 80;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>

Display slider value

If we need to drag the slider value when the real-time display, can be obtained by <div> Add the data-options="display_selector:# id " id matches the id attribute and the value of the slider element, as examples:


<-! Display the slider value in this span ->
<Span id = "mySlider"> </ span>

<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider data-options = "display_selector: #mySlider;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>

Combination of data options

The following example uses display_selector and initial data options:


<Span id = "mySlider"> </ span>
<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider data-options = "display_selector: #mySlider; initial: 20;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>

Step? Long

By default, the slider is moved to reduce the increase in the number "1." You can add data-options="step: num ;" ;" attribute to modify the step value?. Example is set to 25:


<Span id = "mySlider"> </ span>
<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider data-options = "display_selector: #mySlider; step: 25;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>

Custom interval

By default, the value in the range of "0" to "100." You can add-Options Data start and end to set interval values. The following examples set the interval value of "1" to "20":


<Span id = "mySlider"> </ span>
<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider data-options = "display_selector: #mySlider; start: 1; end: 20;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>

Using the grid

Use the following to use the slider in the grid:


<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "small-10 columns">
<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider data-options = "display_selector: #mySlider;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "small-2 columns">
<-! The display element (Tip : use CSS to perfectly position it) ->
<Span id = "mySlider" style = "display: block; margin-top: 14px;"> </ span>
</ Div>
</ Div>

Use Input

The following example uses the <input> replace <span> to display the value of the slider:


<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "small-10 columns">
<Div class = "range-slider " data-slider data-options = "display_selector: #mySlider; initial: 72;">
<Span class = "range-slider -handle"> </ span>
<Span class = "range-slider -active-segment"> </ span>
</ Div>
</ Div>
<Div class = "small-2 columns">
<-! The display element (Tip : use CSS to perfectly position it) ->
<Input type = "number" id = "mySlider" style = "margin-top: 7px;" value = "72">
</ Div>
</ Div>