Go Data Types

Data type is an important concept in programming. Data type specifies the size and type of variable values

Go Data Types

Data type is an important concept in programming. Data type specifies the size and type of variable values.

Go is statically typed, meaning that once a variable type is defined, it can only store data of that type.

Go has three basic data types:

  • bool: represents a boolean value and is either true or false
  • Numeric: represents integer types, floating point values, and complex types
  • string: represents a string value
  • Example

    This example shows some of the different data types in Go:

    package main
    import ("fmt")

    func main() {
      var a bool = true     // Boolean
      var b int = 5         // Integer
      var c float32 = 3.14  // Floating point number
      var d string = "Hi!"  // String

      fmt.Println("Boolean: ", a)
      fmt.Println("Integer: ", b)
      fmt.Println("Float:   ", c)
      fmt.Println("String:  ", d)

    Go Exercises

    Test Yourself With Exercises


    Add the correct data type for the following variables:

    package main   
    import ("fmt") 
    func main() { var myNum = 90 var myWord = "Hello" var myBool = true }

    Start the Exercise