Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a widely used spreadsheet program Google Sheets is a powerful tool to use for mathematical functions Start learning Google Sheets now » Learn Google Sheets

Examples in Each Chapter

We use practical examples to give the user a better understanding of the concepts.

Copy Values Tool

Example values can be copied from the tutorial and into your spreadsheet, making it easy for you to tag along step-by-step:

Why Study Google Sheets?

Google Sheets is an widely used spreadsheet program.

Example use areas:

  • Data analytics
  • Project management
  • Finance and accounting
  • function copyFormulas(elementId){ /* Get the text field */ var copyText = document.getElementById(elementId); /* Select the text field */; copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /* For mobile devices */ /* Copy the text inside the text field */ navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText.value) .then(() => { alert('Range copied to clipboard.\nIt can now be pasted into the Google Sheets spreadsheet.') }) .catch((error) => { alert(`Copy failed! ${error}`) }) }