Google Communication Icons

The table below shows all Google Communication icons

Communication Icons

The table below shows all Google Communication icons:

Icon Description Example
business business Try it
call call Try it
call_end call_end Try it
call_made call_made Try it
call_merge call_merge Try it
call_missed call_missed Try it
call_missed_outgoing call_missed_outgoing Try it
call_received call_received Try it
call_split call_split Try it
chat chat Try it
chat_bubble chat_bubble Try it
chat_bubble_outline chat_bubble_outline Try it
clear_all clear_all Try it
comment comment Try it
contact_mail contact_mail Try it
contact_phone contact_phone Try it
contacts contacts Try it
dialer_sip dialer_sip Try it
dialpad dialpad Try it
email email Try it
forum forum Try it
import_contacts import_contacts Try it
import_export import_export Try it
invert_colors_off invert_colors_off Try it
live_help live_help Try it
location_off location_off Try it
location_on location_on Try it
mail_outline mail_outline Try it
message message Try it
messenger messenger Try it
no_sim no_sim Try it
phone phone Try it
phonelink_erase phonelink_erase Try it
phonelink_lock phonelink_lock Try it
phonelink_ring phonelink_ring Try it
phonelink_setup phonelink_setup Try it
portable_wifi_off portable_wifi_off Try it
present_to_all present_to_all Try it
ring_volume ring_volume Try it
rss_feed rss_feed Try it
screen_share screen_share Try it
speaker_phone speaker_phone Try it
stay_current_landscape stay_current_landscape Try it
stay_current_portrait stay_current_portrait Try it
stay_primary_landscape stay_primary_landscape Try it
stay_primary_portrait stay_primary_portrait Try it
stop_screen_share stop_screen_share Try it
swap_calls swap_calls Try it
textsms textsms Try it
voicemail voicemail Try it
vpn_key vpn_key Try it