Google Content Icons

The table below shows all Google Content icons

Content Icons

The table below shows all Google Content icons:

Icon Description Example
add add Try it
add_box add_box Try it
add_circle add_circle Try it
add_circle_outline add_circle_outline Try it
archive archive Try it
backspace backspace Try it
block block Try it
clear clear Try it
content_copy content_copy Try it
content_cut content_cut Try it
content_paste content_paste Try it
create create Try it
delete_sweep delete_sweep Try it
drafts drafts Try it
filter_list filter_list Try it
flag flag Try it
font_download font_download Try it
forward forward Try it
gesture gesture Try it
inbox inbox Try it
link link Try it
low_priority low_priority Try it
mail mail Try it
markunread markunread Try it
move_to_inbox move_to_inbox Try it
next_week next_week Try it
redo redo Try it
remove remove Try it
remove_circle remove_circle Try it
remove_circle_outline remove_circle_outline Try it
reply reply Try it
reply_all reply_all Try it
report report Try it
save save Try it
select_all select_all Try it
send send Try it
sort sort Try it
text_format text_format Try it
unarchive unarchive Try it
undo undo Try it
weekend weekend Try it