Google Editor Icons

The table below shows all Google Editor icons

Editor Icons

The table below shows all Google Editor icons:

Icon Description Example
attach_file attach_file Try it
attach_money attach_money Try it
border_all border_all Try it
border_bottom border_bottom Try it
border_clear border_clear Try it
border_color border_color Try it
border_horizontal border_horizontal Try it
border_inner border_inner Try it
border_left border_left Try it
border_outer border_outer Try it
border_right border_right Try it
border_style border_style Try it
border_top border_top Try it
border_vertical border_vertical Try it
bubble_chart bubble_chart Try it
drag_handle drag_handle Try it
format_align_center format_align_center Try it
format_align_justify format_align_justify Try it
format_align_left format_align_left Try it
format_align_right format_align_right Try it
format_bold format_bold Try it
format_clear format_clear Try it
format_color_fill format_color_fill Try it
format_color_reset format_color_reset Try it
format_color_text format_color_text Try it
format_indent_decrease format_indent_decrease Try it
format_indent_increase format_indent_increase Try it
format_italic format_italic Try it
format_line_spacing format_line_spacing Try it
format_list_bulleted format_list_bulleted Try it
format_list_numbered format_list_numbered Try it
format_paint format_paint Try it
format_quote format_quote Try it
format_shapes format_shapes Try it
format_size format_size Try it
format_strikethrough format_strikethrough Try it
format_textdirection_l_to_r format_textdirection_l_to_r Try it
format_textdirection_r_to_l format_textdirection_r_to_l Try it
format_underlined format_underlined Try it
functions functions Try it
highlight highlight Try it
insert_chart insert_chart Try it
insert_comment insert_comment Try it
insert_drive_file insert_drive_file Try it
insert_emoticon insert_emoticon Try it
insert_invitation insert_invitation Try it
insert_link insert_link Try it
insert_photo insert_photo Try it
linear_scale linear_scale Try it
merge_type merge_type Try it
mode_comment mode_comment Try it
mode_edit mode_edit Try it
monetization_on monetization_on Try it
money_off money_off Try it
multiline_chart multiline_chart Try it
pie_chart pie_chart Try it
pie_chart_outlined pie_chart_outlined Try it
publish publish Try it
short_text short_text Try it
show_chart show_chart Try it
space_bar space_bar Try it
strikethrough_s strikethrough_s Try it
text_fields text_fields Try it
title title Try it
vertical_align_bottom vertical_align_bottom Try it
vertical_align_center vertical_align_center Try it
vertical_align_top vertical_align_top Try it
wrap_text wrap_text Try it