Google Navigation Icons

The table below shows all Google Navigation icons

Navigation Icons

The table below shows all Google Navigation icons:

Icon Description Example
apps apps Try it
arrow_back arrow_back Try it
arrow_drop_down arrow_drop_down Try it
arrow_drop_down_circle arrow_drop_down_circle Try it
arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_up Try it
arrow_downward arrow_downward Try it
arrow_forward arrow_forward Try it
arrow_upward arrow_upward Try it
cancel cancel Try it
check check Try it
chevron_left chevron_left Try it
chevron_right chevron_right Try it
close close Try it
expand_less expand_less Try it
expand_more expand_more Try it
first_page first_page Try it
fullscreen fullscreen Try it
fullscreen_exit fullscreen_exit Try it
last_page last_page Try it
menu menu Try it
more_horiz more_horiz Try it
more_vert more_vert Try it
refresh refresh Try it
subdirectory_arrow_left subdirectory_arrow_left Try it
subdirectory_arrow_right subdirectory_arrow_right Try it
unfold_less unfold_less Try it
unfold_more unfold_more Try it