jQuery EasyUI Data Grid - Creating Property Grid

Property Grid (property grid) with a built-in expand (expand) / collapse (merge) button, it can simply be rows. You can simply create an editable hierarchical attributes (hierarchical) list.

HTML Settings

	<Table id = "tt" class = "easyui-propertygrid" style = "width: 300px"
            url = "propertygrid_data.json"
            showGroup = "true" scrollbarSize = "0"
    > </ Table>

Prepare json data

		{ "Name": "Name", "value": "Bill Smith", "group": "ID Settings", "editor": "text"},
		{ "Name": "Address", "value": "", "group": "ID Settings", "editor": "text"},
		{ "Name": "Age", "value": "40", "group": "ID Settings", "editor": "numberbox"},
		{ "Name": "Birthday", "value": "01/02/2012", "group": "ID Settings", "editor": "datebox"},
		{ "Name": "SSN", "value": "123-456-7890", "group": "ID Settings", "editor": "text"},
		{ "Name": "Email", "value": "bill@gmail.com", "group": "Marketing Settings", "editor": {
			"Type": "validatebox",
			"Options": {
				"ValidType": "email"
		{ "Name": "FrequentBuyer", "value": "false", "group": "Marketing Settings", "editor": {
			"Type": "checkbox",
			"Options": {
				"On": true,
				"Off": false

As you can see, the property grid (property grid) does not require the creation of any javascript code. You can simply inherit extension editor type.

Download jQuery EasyUI examples
