jQuery EasyUI Data Grids - dynamically change the column

Data Grid (DataGrid) column can use the 'columns' property simply defined. If you want to dynamically change the column, that there is no problem. To change the column, you can recall datagrid method, passing a new attribute columns.

Creating a Data Grid (DataGrid)

	<Table id = "tt" title = "Frozen Columns" class = "easyui-datagrid" style = "width: 550px; height: 250px"
			url = "data / datagrid_data.json"
			singleSelect = "true" iconCls = "icon-save">
	</ Table>
	$ ( '# Tt'). Datagrid ({
		columns: [[
			{Field: 'itemid', title: 'Item ID', width: 80},
			{Field: 'productid', title: 'Product ID', width: 80},
			{Field: 'attr1', title: 'Attribute', width: 200},
			{Field: 'status', title: 'Status', width: 80}

Run the page, you will see:

But sometimes you want to change the column, so you need to write some code:

	$ ( '# Tt'). Datagrid ({
		columns: [[
			{Field: 'itemid', title: 'Item ID', width: 80},
			{Field: 'productid', title: 'Product ID', width: 80},
			{Field: 'listprice', title: 'List Price', width: 80, align: 'right'},
			{Field: 'unitcost', title: 'Unit Cost', width: 80, align: 'right'},
			{Field: 'attr1', title: 'Attribute', width: 100},
			{Field: 'status', title: 'Status', width: 60}

Remember, we have defined other attributes, such as: url, width, height and so on. Once again, we do not need to define them, we define who we need to change.

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