jQuery EasyUI Data Grid - Creating a combination of columns

easyui data grid (DataGrid) can create a combination of columns, as follows:

In this example, we use the data to fill the plane data grid (DataGrid) data, and to listprice, unitcost, addr1, status combination of columns in a single column.

In order to create a combination of columns, you should define the data columns grid (datagrid) plug-ins. Each element of the column is to define a set of use rowspan or colspan attributes combined cell.

The following code to achieve the above examples:

	<Table id = "tt" title = "Column Group" class = "easyui-datagrid" style = "width: 550px; height: 250px"
			url = "data / datagrid_data.json"
			singleSelect = "true" iconCls = "icon-save" rownumbers = "true">
				<Th rowspan = "2" field = "itemid" width = "80"> Item ID </ th>
				<Th rowspan = "2" field = "productid" width = "80"> Product ID </ th>
				<Th colspan = "4"> Item Details </ th>
			</ Tr>
				<Th field = "listprice" width = "80" align = "right"> List Price </ th>
				<Th field = "unitcost" width = "80" align = "right"> Unit Cost </ th>
				<Th field = "attr1" width = "100"> Attribute </ th>
				<Th field = "status" width = "60" align = "center"> Stauts </ th>
			</ Tr>
		</ Thead>
	</ Table>

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