jQuery EasyUI layout - create a collapsed panel

In this tutorial, you will learn about easyui folding panel (Accordion) knowledge. Folding panel (Accordion) contains a series of panel (panel). All panels (panel) of the head (header) is visible, but only once a display panel (panel) of the body content. When the user clicks the panel (panel) of the head (header) when the panel (panel) of the body content will be visible, while the other panel (panel) will hide the body content is not visible.

We will create three panels (panel), the third panel (panel) contains a tree menu.

	<Div class = "easyui-accordion" style = "width: 300px; height: 200px;">
		<Div title = "About Accordion" iconCls = "icon-ok" style = "overflow: auto; padding: 10px;">
			<H3 style = "color: # 0099FF;"> Accordion for jQuery </ h3>
			<P> Accordion is a part of easyui framework for jQuery. It lets you define your accordion component on web page more easily. </ P>
		</ Div>
		<Div title = "About easyui" iconCls = "icon-reload" selected = "true" style = "padding: 10px;">
			easyui help you build your web page easily
		</ Div>
		<Div title = "Tree Menu">
			<Ul id = "tt1" class = "easyui-tree">
					<Span> Folder1 </ span>
							<Span> Sub Folder 1 </ span>
								<Li> <span> File 11 </ span> </ li>
								<Li> <span> File 12 </ span> </ li>
								<Li> <span> File 13 </ span> </ li>
							</ Ul>
						</ Li>
						<Li> <span> File 2 </ span> </ li>
						<Li> <span> File 3 </ span> </ li>
					</ Ul>
				</ Li>
				<Li> <span> File2 </ span> </ li>
			</ Ul>
		</ Div>
	</ Div>

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