jQuery EasyUI Layout - create XP style left panel

Under normal circumstances, the Windows XP Explorer file folder, the panel (panel) on the left side contains some common tasks. This tutorial shows you how to easyui panel (panel) plugin to create XP left panel.

Define panel (panel)

We define some panel (panel), these panels (panel) to display the number of tasks. Each panel (panel) should have at least folding / unfolding tool button.

Code as follows:

	<Div style = "width: 200px; height: auto; background: # 7190E0; padding: 5px;">
		<Div class = "easyui-panel" title = "Picture Tasks" collapsible = "true" style = "width: 200px; height: auto; padding: 10px;">
			View as a slide show <br/>
			Order prints online <br/>
			Print pictures
		</ Div>
		<Div class = "easyui-panel" title = "File and Folder Tasks" collapsible = "true" style = "width: 200px; height: auto; padding: 10px;">
			Make a new folder <br/>
			Publish this folder to the Web <br/>
			Share this folder
		</ Div>
		<Div class = "easyui-panel" title = "Other Places" collapsible = "true" collapsed = "true" style = "width: 200px; height: auto; padding: 10px;">
			New York <br/>
			My Pictures <br/>
			My Computer <br/>
			My Network Places
		</ Div>
		<Div class = "easyui-panel" title = "Details" collapsible = "true" style = "width: 200px; height: auto; padding: 10px;">
			My documents <br/>
			File folder <br/> <br/>
			Date modified: Oct.3rd 2010
		</ Div>
	</ Div>

Custom panel (panel) of appearance

Please note that this view appearance is not what we want, we must change the panel (panel) header background image and collapse / expand button icon.

It is not difficult to do, we need to do is to redefine some of the CSS.

	.panel-body {
		background: # f0f0f0;
	.panel-header {
		background: #fff url ( 'images / panel_header_bg.gif') no-repeat top right;
	.panel-tool-collapse {
		background: url ( 'images / arrow_up.gif') no-repeat 0px -3px;
	.panel-tool-expand {
		background: url ( 'images / arrow_down.gif') no-repeat 0px -3px;

Thus, the use easyui custom user interface is very simple.

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